Benefits of using the Words&Sounds Games Box and the
Reception Reading Pack

Benefits for Schools:

  • The games can be used across contexts and with pupils of differing needs:
    • Small Group Phonics Sessions (Reception)
    • Breakfast Clubs, After-School Clubs or Lunchtime Clubs
    • “Stay and Play” Parent Phonics/Literacy Workshops
    • Catch Up Literacy Sessions (for struggling readers across Reception, Year 1 and 2)
    • Pupil Premium/Service Children/Looked After Children (Purchased by school for in school use)
    • Pupil Premium/Service Children/Looked After Children (Purchased by school for at home use for any child reading at Reception level)
  • The games are fun, novel, durable, cost-effective and easily replaceable.
  • All game boards and activity sheets are supplied and downloadable, saving teachers valuable planning and preparation time
  • The games are aligned to Letters and Sounds and they can be played in particular, to consolidate skills at the end of each Letters and Sounds Phase.
  • Extra time can be spent playing games to reinforce childrens’ existing reading strengths or target gaps/weaknesses.

Benefits for Parents:

Research is unequivocal about the long-term benefits of parental involvement and engagement in a child’s learning. Specifically, the games box and reading pack activities have the following benefits:

  • Families can be involved in their child’s learning in a hands-on interactive way using concrete tactile materials that are appealing to children
  • The relevant words and sounds are all supplied making phonics learning accessible to families
  • Children make faster reading progress at home with fun reading games and tactile materials
  • The games/activities follow the same phonics teaching approach used in schools
  • The parent is empowered to support their child by being given the relevant knowledge and materials in an accessible way
  • The activities and games can be played throughout the whole year (at the different phases of reading 2, 3 and 4)